
Once the Warsaw business became established, Medicover started an ambitious expansion across Poland.

Medicover also decided to commence activity in other Central European countries, and in so doing made its first investments into the diagnostic laboratories business.

National and international expansion

Medicover opens clinics in six further cities in Poland, gains its first national client and opens the first onsite clinic.
The company expands to other Central European countries: Romania, Hungary, Estonia and the Czech Republic.

Trial and error

Medicover Poland strives to learn from and meet its clients’ needs adapting the scope and place of services accordingly. The different “colours” of benefit plans are introduced.

The company establishes also the cooperation with state owned hospitals so that Medicover can also provide access to inpatient care.

Entering the lab business

When Medicover makes its clinic acquisitions in Romania in 1997, it also obtains a small laboratory operation, performing In Vitro diagnostics. The lab business is growing.

Stock exchange

Medicover becomes listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange to provide capital for further expansion.