Governance and business ethics

The way Medicover works is as important as the results we achieve: the organisation must be ethical, inclusive and accountable as well as effective.

That is reflected in our focus on SDG: #16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. 
Medicover follows all relevant frameworks including but not limited to the Swedish Corporate Governance Code and the Swedish Companies Act. 

Business ethics

The Medicover Code of Conduct (“Medicover CoC”) is the foundation of Medicover’s sustainability approach. It includes the Company’s commitment to employees and other key stakeholders, as well as the ethical standards expected of everyone working at Medicover. The Medicover CoC also guides the business and its people in sound decision-making. 

Medicover is committed to human rights, labour rights, the environment and anti-corruption. The Medicover CoC specifies Medicover’s responsibility in these areas. The Medicover Supplier Code of Conduct (“Supplier CoC”), Medicover Environmental Policy, Medicover Anti-Bribery Policy and Medicover Whistleblower Policy further outline the Company’s commitment. 

At year-end 2023, over 40,000 people had signed the Medicover CoC, and with the continuing roll-out, Medicover will ensure that current and future employees have an even better understanding of the policy.  A clear majority of Medicover’s employees are already committed to the MCoC, and the Group continues to roll out e-learning for all.

To further secure sound business ethics within the organisation everyone is encouraged to report if they become aware of behaviour that is not in line with the Medicover CoC. Concerns can be raised to the employee’s managers, division heads, HR or legal representatives, or through the Medicover Whistleblower channel, a system provided by a third party supplier. Concerns of serious wrongdoings can be raised anonymously and are promptly investigated. Anyone raising concerns in good faith is protected against retaliation under the Medicover Whistleblower Policy. 

Medicover have zero tolerance for corruption and bribery. The Medicover Anti-Bribery Policy expands on the principles in the Medicover CoC, and is supplemented by the Medicover Anti-Bribery manual, providing further guidance and practical examples. During 2020 we developed an anti-bribery and anti-corruption e-learning, specifically tailored to our business and focused on key risks identified during our group-wide risk-mapping. 

The same principles are embedded in the Supplier CoC, and our suppliers are expected to comply with this. In 2020 we started to roll out the Supplier CoC from our largest market to all the others where we operate. We are in the process of collecting statements from our suppliers that they accept the Supplier CoC, starting with the largest suppliers and high-risk suppliers. More than 1,695 suppliers have signed off on the Supplier CoC. 

Progress is measured by tracking:

  • The number of staff who have signed the Medicover CoC and the Medicover Anti-Bribery Policy: more than 40,000
  • The number of suppliers who have committed to the Supplier CoC: 1,695 (927).
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct